Histology laboratory
Histological unit offers scientists collaboration on research projects that require the following techniques:
- histological staining of paraplast sections (Mallory, hematoxylin-eosin, etc.) of animal and plant tissues
- immunohistochemical antigen detection in whole specimens and paraplast tissue sections
- in situ hybridization of nucleic acids in whole preparations and paraplast tissue sections
- preparation and contrasting of semi-thin sections
- preparation of ultrathin sections for transmission electron microscopy
- imaging of biological material in classical light, fluorescence and confocal microscopes
- imaging of biological material with a unique bioluminescence microscope
- image analysis and preparation of high-quality photographic documentation for publication purposes
We also offer technical equipment for independent use of microtomes, cryostat and ultramicrotome, see price list of the Laboratory of Microscopy and Histology. The ultramicrotome can be used independently only by experienced personnel.
Rules for the use of the Histological unit of the LMH:
- LMH staff provide creative input and technical support for all research steps, including experimental design, sample preparation, imaging experiments, and data analysis on a co-authorship basis.
- Any published output from the LMH without the personal contribution of the members of the LMH will be mentioned in the acknowledgement: "We thank the Laboratory of Microscopy and Histology of the Institute of Entomology at the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences for the support and provision of instruments”.
- All collaborations and independent use of equipment of the LMH must be agreed in advance by the project leader with the Head of the laboratory Dr. Hana Sehadova and are subject to the valid price list of the LMH. The hourly rate for the use of microscopes is significantly reduced in case of collaboration, see the price list of the LMH.
- The specific date for the individual use of the equipment of the LMH (microtomes, ultramicrotome, cryostat) must be agreed in advance with the technical staff of the LMH, who will coordinate the times of use of the individual devices so that the techniques used do not overlap.
- The guest worker leaves the workplace in the condition in which he/she took it. He/she shall immediately report any defects found or incurred in the equipment to the laboratory personnel and shall assume responsibility for any damage to the laboratory equipment caused by improper handling or negligence.
Please note - we do not rent diamond knives for making ultra-thin sections.