RNDr. Pavel Sroka, Ph.D.

Funkce: Vědecký pracovník - Laboratoř biodiverzity a ekologie vodního hmyzu

Kontaktní údaje

Telefon: 420387775256
E-mail: pavel.sroka@centrum.cz
Místnost: 234


Studium taxonomie a ekologie recentního vodního hmyzu se zaměřením na řád jepice (Ephemeroptera). Výzkum evoluce hmyzu s využitím fosilního materiálu.

Celkem nalezeno: 58 záznamů
Godunko R. J., Sroka P. (2024) A new mayfly subfamily sheds light on the early evolution and Pangean origin of Baetiscidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Scientific Reports 14 : article number: 1599.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-51176-7
Prokop J., Rosová K., Pecharová M., Sroka P., Leipner A., Nel A. (2024) The structure of wing in the earliest Permopsocida. Arthropod Structure & Development 80 : 101358.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asd.2024.101358
Sroka P., Prokop J. (2024) The oldest Australian mayfly (Insecta, Ephemerida) from the Middle Triassic at Brookvale, New South Wales Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology. 48 : 313-318.
DOI: 10.1080/03115518.2024.2346587
Hrivniak Ľ., Sartori M., Sroka P., Bojková J. (2023) Big diversity in a small hotspot: two new species of Leptophlebiidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) from New Caledonia. ZooKeys 1143 : 71-88.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1143.96148
Kolář V., Chmelová E., Bílková M., Borovec J., Carreira B., Černý M., Ditrich T., Horká P., Hrivniak Ľ., Hrubý F., Jan J., Landeira Dabarca A., Lepšová-Skácelová O., Musilová Z., Otáhalová Š., Poláková M., Polášková V., Sacherová V., Špaček J., Sroka P., Vebrová L., Boukal D., Tropek R. (2023) Muddying the unexplored post-industrial waters: Biodiversity and conservation potential of freshwater habitats in fly ash sedimentation lagoons. Science of the Total Environment 900 : 165803.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165803
Prokop J., Rosová K., Leipner A., Sroka P. (2023) Thoracic and abdominal outgrowths in early pterygotes: a clue to the common ancestor of winged insects? Communications Biology 6 : 1262.
DOI: 10.1038/s42003-023-05568-6
Sroka P., Godunko R. J., Prokop J. (2023) Fluctuation in the diversity of mayflies (Insecta, Ephemerida) as documented in the fossil record. Scientific Reports 13 : 16052..
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-42571-7
Sroka P., Prokop J. (2023) New fossil stoneflies (Plecoptera: Arctoperlaria) from Australia testify ancient dispersal across Pangea. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 81 : 881-888.
DOI: 10.3897/asp.81.e109833
Hrivniak Ľ., Sroka P., Godunko R. J., Manko P., Bojková J. (2022) Diversification in Caucasian Epeorus (Caucasiron) mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) follows topographic deformation along the Greater Caucasus range. Systematic Entomology 47 : 603-617.
DOI: 10.1111/syen.12551
Sroka P., Bojková J., Kolář V. (2022) Mayfly Ephemera glaucops (Ephemeroptera, Ephemeridae) recorded in the Czech Republic after almost a century. Biodiversity Data Journal 10 : e90950..
DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.10.e90950
Sroka P., Staniczek A. (2022) Evolution of filter-feeding in aquatic insects dates back to the Middle Triassic: new evidence from stem-group mayflies (Insecta, Ephemerida) from Grès à Voltzia, Vosges, France. Papers in Palaeontology 8 : article number: e1456.
DOI: 10.1002/spp2.1456
Yanai Z., Sroka P., Gattolliat J-L. (2022) Two new species of Alainites (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) from the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot ZooKeys 1118 : 73-95.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1118.84643
Hrivniak Ľ., Sroka P., Bojková J., Godunko R. J., Manko P. (2021) A new species of Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) from Azerbaijan and Iran. ZooKeys issue 1068 : 13-26.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1068.70717
Khudhur, F.A., Sroka P. (2021) Updated check-list of the mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of Iraq. Biodiversity Data Journal 9 : e63830.
DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.9.e63830
Sroka P., Godunko R. J., Sinitshenkova N.D., Prokop J. (2021) Life history, systematics and flight ability of the Early Permian stem‑mayflies in the genus Misthodotes Sellards, 1909 (Insecta, Ephemerida, Permoplectoptera). BMC Ecology and Evolution 21 : article number: 97.
DOI: 10.1186/s12862-021-01820-x
Sroka P., Yanai Z., Palatov D., Gattolliat J-L. (2021) Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Takobia Novikova & Kluge, 1987 (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) in Central Asia. ZooKeys issue 1071 : 127-154.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1071.71582
Hrivniak Ľ., Sroka P., Bojková J., Godunko R. J. (2020) Identification guide to larvae Caucasian Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). ZooKeys no. 986 : 1-53.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.986.56276
Hrivniak Ľ., Sroka P., Bojková J., Godunko R. J., Namin J.I., Bagheri S., Nejat F., Abdoli A., Staniczek A. (2020) Diversity and distribution of Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) in Iran, with description of three new species. ZooKeys issue 647 : 71-102.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.947.51259
Hrivniak Ľ., Sroka P., Bojková J., Godunko R. J., Soldán T., Staniczek A. (2020) The impact of Miocene orogeny for the diversification of Caucasian Epeorus (Caucasiron) mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 146 : article number: 106735.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106735
Sroka P., Staniczek A. (2020) Retention of cervical and abdominal gills in the adult of a new fossil stonefly (Insecta, Plecoptera, Petroperlidae) from mid-Cretacous Burmese amber. Cretaceous Research 107 : article number: 104277.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2019.104277

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