Ing. Petr Vodrážka

Funkce: Ph.D. student - Laboratoř analytické biochemie a metabolomiky

Kontaktní údaje

Telefon: +420 38 777 5619

Celkem nalezeno: 11 záznamů
Opekar S., Zahradníčková H., Vodrážka P., Řimnáčová L., Moos M., Šimek P. (2025) A Protocol for GC-MS Profiling of Chiral Secondary Amino Acids. In: Deda O., Gika H.G., Wilson I.D. (eds): Metabolic Profiling. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2891. Humana, New York, NY. 205-219.
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-4334-1_11
Rozsypal J., Moos M., Vodrážka P., Nedvěd O., Košťál V. (2025) Physiology of Overwintering in a Microhabitat Fully Exposed to Adverse Weather Conditions: Lime Seed Bugs on Tree Trunks and Branches Zoological Science 42 : 31-40.
DOI: 10.2108/zs240064
Vodrážka P., Řimnáčová L., Berková P., Vojtíšek J., Verner M., Moos M., Šimek P. (2025) A New, Validated GC-PICI-MS Method for the Quantification of 32 Lipid Fatty Acids via Base-Catalyzed Transmethylation and the Isotope-Coded Derivatization of Internal Standards. Metabolites 13 : article number: 104.
DOI: 10.3390/metabo15020104
Mezzomo P., Leong J., Vodrážka P., Moos M., Ré Jorge L., Volfová T., Michálek J., de Lima Ferreira P., Kozel P., Sedio B.E., Volf M. (2024) Variation in induced responses in volatile and non-volatile metabolites among six willow species: Do willow species share responses to herbivory? Phytochemistry 226 : article number: 11422.
DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2024.114222
Molleman F., Mandal M., Sokól-Letowska A., Walczak U., Volf M., Mallick S., Moos M., Vodrážka P., Prinzing A., Mezzomo P. (2024) Simulated Herbivory Affects the Volatile Emissions of Oak Saplings, while Neighbourhood Affects Flavan-3-ols Content of Their Leaves. Journal of Chemical Ecology 50 : 250-261.
DOI: 10.1007/s10886-024-01471-4
Molleman F., Mezzomo P., Mandal M., Mallick S., Moos M., Vodrážka P., Prinzing A., Walczak U. (2024) Simulated Herbivory Induces Volatile Emissions of Oak Saplings, but Parasitoid Communities Vary Mainly Among Forest Sites. Diversity 16 : article number: 781.
DOI: 10.3390/d16120781
Vodrážková M., Šetlíková I., Navrátil J., Vodrážka P., Moos M., Berec M. (2024) The hidden impact of an invasive predator: Chronic stress in common frog tadpoles Global Ecology and Conservation 50 : e02835.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e02835
Kučera L., Moos M., Štětina T., Korbelová J., Vodrážka P., Des Marteaux L. E., Grgac R., Hůla P., Rozsypal J., Faltus M., Šimek P., Sedlacek R., Košťál V. (2022) A mixture of innate cryoprotectants is key for freeze tolerance and cryopreservation of a drosophilid fly larva. Journal of Experimental Biology 225 : jeb243934.
DOI: 10.1242/jeb.243934
Opekar S., Zahradníčková H., Vodrážka P., Řimnáčová L., Šimek P., Moos M. (2021) A chiral GC-MS method for analysis of secondary amino acids after heptafluorobutyl chloroformate & methylamine derivatization. Amino Acids 53 : 347–358.
DOI: 10.1007/s00726-021-02949-1
Řimnáčová L., Moos M., Opekar S., Vodrážka P., Pejchal V., Mráz J., Šimek P. (2021) Ethyl chloroformate mediated gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric biomonitoring of acidic biomarkers of occupational exposure and endogenous metabolites in human urine. Journal of Chromatography A 1656 : article number: 462547.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2021.462547
Heneberg P., Jegorov A., Kružberská P., Šimek P., Vodrážka P. (2018) Beauverolide F >98%. FUNKČNÍ VZOREK


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