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Celkem nalezeno: 253 záznamů
Soldán T. (1991) An annotated list of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) found in the Nam Cat Tien National Park. In: Spitzer K., Lepš J. & Zacharda M. (eds) Nam Cat Tien. Czechoslovak Vietnamese Expedition 1989, Research Report. Inst. Entomol., Czech. Acad. Sci., České Budějovice, pp. 4-9.
Soldán T. (1991) Plecoptera sample of the Nam Cat Tien Forest Reserve. In: Spitzer K., Lepš J. & Zacharda M. (eds) Nam Cat Tien. Czechoslovak Vietnamese Expedition 1989, Research Report. Inst. Entomol., Czech Acad. Sci., České Budějovice, pp. 10.
Soldán T., Landa V. (1991) Two new species of Caenidae (Ephemeroptera) from Sri Lanka. In: Alba-Tercedor J. & Sanchez-Ortega A. (eds) Overview and Strategies of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. The Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville, pp. 235-244.
Weyda F., Soldán T., Maťha V. (1991) Structural and quantitative changes in Glossina palpalis palpalis mycetome after gamma irradiation (Diptera, Glossinidae). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 88: 95-102.
Lepš J., Soldán T., Landa V. (1990) Prediction of changes in ephemeropteran communities - a transition matrix approach. In: Campbell I.C. (ed.) Mayflies and Stoneflies. Kluwer Acad. Publ., pp. 281-287.
Soldán T., Maťha V., Weyda F. (1990) Mycetomes and symbionts of tsetse flies maintained on a membrane feeding system and the agents interfering with natural reproduction. In: Sterile Insect Technique for Tsetse Control and Eradication, Vom 1988 (Plateau State, Nigeria). International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, pp. 159-171.
Thomas A., Soldán T. (1990) Baetis cleopatrae n. sp., Ephéméroptére nouveau d'Egypte. Annals Limnol. 26: 55-59.
Velčev M., Soldán T. (1990) Risk assessment of pesticides: Man and environment. In: Frostker J. (ed.) Reducing Risks from Pesticides, Proc. Second American - Czechoslovak Workshop, České Budějovice 1990. NAS - ČSAV, Washington - České Budějovice, pp. 119-131.
Lepš J., Soldán T., Landa V. (1989) Multivariate analysis of compositional changes in communities of Ephemeroptera (insecta) in the Labe basin, Czechoslovakia - a comparison of methods. Coenoses 4: 29-37.
Maťha V., Lukeš Š., Soldán T. (1989) Passive transfer of humoral resistance against adults of the tsetse fly, Glosina palpalis palpalis (Diptera, Glossinidae), in rabbits. Folia Parasitol. 36: 375-377.
Maťha V., Weiser J., Soldán T., Weyda F. (1989) Tissue common epitope(s) of Glossina palpalis palpalis, their potential role in fly biology-review and prospect. In.: M.Tonner, T. Soldán & B. Bennettová eds. Regulation of Insect Reproduction IV, Žinkovy 1987, Czech Republic, pp. 515-519.
Soldán T., Campbell I., Papáček M. (1989) A study of dispersal phoretic association between Sphaerium (Musculinum) tasmanicum (Heterodonte, Sphaeriidae) and Sigara (Tropocorixa) truncatipala (Heteroptera, Corixidae). Věstník Čs. Společ. zool. 53: 300-310.
Soldán T., Weyda F., Maťha V. (1989) Tsetse gly mycetome: structure, function and supposed role in nutrition and reproduction. In.: M.Tonner, T. Soldán & B. Bennettová eds. Regulation of Insect Reproduction IV, Žinkovy 1987, Czech Republic, pp. 489-499.
Weyda F., Maťha V., Soldán T. (1989) Tsetse fly mycetome organ culture. In.: M.Tonner, T. Soldán & B. Bennettová eds. Regulation of Insect Reproduction IV, Žinkovy 1987, Czech Republic, pp. 501-513.
Braasch D., Soldán T. (1988) Heptageniidae aus Nordkorea (KVDR), nebst einigen Bemerkungen zu ihrem generishen Status (Insecta, Ephemeroptera). Faunist. Abhandl. 16: 23-28.
Braasch D., Soldán T. (1988) Trichogenia gen. n., eine neue Gattung der Eintagsfliegen aus Vietnam (Insecta, Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). Reichenbachia 25: 119-124.
Braasch D., Soldán T. (1988) Rhithrogena jacobi n. sp. aus Bulgarien (Insecta, Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). Reichenbachia 25: 117-118.
Soldán T. (1988) Distributional patterns, host specificity and density of an epoistic midge, Epoicocladius flavens (Diptera, Chironomidae) in Czechoslovakia. Věstník Čs. spol. zool. 52: 278-289.
Sowa R., Soldán T., Braasch D. (1988) Rhithrogena thracica sp. n. - a new species of mayfly from Bulgaria with a description of subimago and larva of Rh. bulgarica Braasch et al. (1985) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). Acta zool. Bulg. 36: 31-40.
Starý P., Štěrba J., Soldán T. (1988) Perilitus areolaris G. & H. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a parasitoid of the large pine weevil Hylobius abietis (L.) in Czechoslovakia. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 85: 428-433.
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