
Total found: 147 records
Spitzer L., Tropek R., Konvička M., Beneš J., Tuf I., Tufová J. (2007) Effects of traditional coppicing and game density on epigeic fauna. In: Feldmeyer-Christe E. Monitoring the effectiveness of nature conservation Abstracts. Birmensdorf, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
Spitzer L., Tuf I., Tufová J., Tropek R. (2007) Contribution to the knowledge of epigeic invertebrates of two seminatural fir-beech deciduous woodlands in the Vsetínské vrchy Hills, Western Carpathians (Czech Republic). Práce a Stud. Muz. Beskyd (Přír. Vědy) 19: 71-82.
Tropek R. (2007) Výsledky průzkumu arachnofauny zvláště chráněných území na Plzeňsku. [Results of arachnological research of specially protected areas of Pilsen district, Czech Republic] Erica 14: 57-64.
Tropek R. (2007) Spiders (Araneae) of xerothermic grasslands and quarries in the Blanský les Landscape Protected Area. Klapalekiana 43: 65-77..
Tropek R., Konvička M. (2007) Can quarries supplement rare xeric habitats in a piedmont region? Spiders of the Blansky les Mts., Czech Republic. Bryja J., Zukal J., Rehak Z. (eds.) Zoologické dny Brno 2007. Sborník abstraktů z konference 8.-9. února 2007. 51.
Tropek R., Spitzer L., Konvička M. (2007) Can quarries supplement rare xeric habitats in a piedmont region? Comparison of spiders and ground beetles. In: Feldmeyer-Christe E. Monitoring the effectiveness of nature conservation. Abstracts. Birmensdorf, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
Vodka Š., Konvička M., Spitzer L., Tropek R., Čížek L. (2007) Where is the biodiversity of Pannonian forests? Multiple taxonomic groups require open-canopy management. FAUNA PANNONICA 2007. Symposium on Conservation and Genesis of the Fauna of the Carpathian Basin. 68.


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Institute of Entomology
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370 05 České Budějovice

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