Total found: 7725 records |
Hrdý I. (1961) Contribution to the knowledge of European species of the genus Reticulitermes (Holmgreen). Acta faunistica entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
7: 97-108.
Landa V. (1961) Experiments with an artificial spermatophore in cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha L.). Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov.,
58: 297-301.
Landa V. (1961) Development and function of imaginal male reproductive organs of the cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha L.). Symp. Evol. Insect., 111-114. |
Landa V. (1961) Use of an artificial spermatophore in the study of activation of spermatozoa and development of spermatophores in the cockchafer. Nature
191: 935-936.
Landa V. (1961) Pokusy s umělým spermatoforem u chrousta obecného (Melolontha melolontha L. [Experiments with an artificial spermatophore in cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha L.)]. Čas. Čs. spol. entomol.
58: 297-301.
Landa V. (1961) New findings in the development of the spermatophore of Melolontha melolontha L. XI. Int.Congr.Entomol., 355-357. |
Sen Gupta K. (1961) Studies on Insect Tissue Cultures. Folia Biologica
7: 400-408.
Zelený J. (1961) Contribution to the knowledge of diapuse in insects. 6. Influence of the photoperiod and temperature on the induction of diapause in host and parasite. Acta Soc. Zoologicae Bohemosloveniae
25: :258-270..
Zelený J. (1961) A contribution to the identification of the family Coniopterygidae (Neuroptera) in Bohemia. Acta Soc. entomol. Čechoslov.
58: : 169-179.
Zelený J. (1961) Diferentiation of Conwentzia psociformis Curt. from Conwentzia puineticola End. (Neuroptera). Acta Soc. entomol. Čechoslov.
58: :380-382.
Hodek I. (1960) Hibernation-bionomics in Coccinellidae. Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov.
57: 1-20.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1960) Prevention and artificial induction of the imaginal diapause in Coccinella 7-punctata. Nature
167: 345.
Hrdý I., Hrdá J. (1960) Srovnání účinnosti DDT a HCH na termity Kalotermes flavicollis a Reticulitermes lucifugus (Effect of DDT and BHC on Termites Kalotermes flavicollis and Reticulitermes lucifugus). J. Zool. listy
9: 209-215.
Hrdý I., Novák V. (1960) A contribution to the questíon of non-specífity of the exohormones. XI. Int. Kongr. f. Entom. Wien 1960, Verh. B. IIL, Pavia: 222-225. |
Landa V. (1960) Vývoj pohlavních ústrojů chrousta obecného ve vztahu k tukovému tělesu. [The development of reproductive organs of the cockchafer (M. melolontha L.) in relation to the fat body]. Folia zoologica
9: 331-380.
Landa V. (1960) Origin, development and function of the spermatophore in cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha L.). Čas. Čs. spol. entomol.
57: 297-316.
Landa V. (1960) Vývoj pohlavních ústrojů chrousta obecného (Melolontha melolontha L.). [The development of reproductive organs of the cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha L.) in relation to the fat body]. Zool. listy
4: 331-338.
Zelený J. (1960) Příspěvek k poznání vážek (Odonata) v ČSR. Čas. Čs. spol. entomol.
57: :97-101.
Zelený J. (1960) Potrava kalouse ušatého (Asio otus /L./) v zimním období v Polabí ve středních Čechách. Acta Musei Reginaehradec. S. A. Sci. Nat.
2: : 245-252..
Hodek I. (1959) Ecology of aphidophagous Coccinellidae. Int. Conf. Insect Path. biol. Control, Praha,
1958: 543-547.