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Total found: 7725 records
Starý P., Narayanan E., Subba Rao B., Sharma A. (1962) Revision of "A Catalogue of the known species of the world belonging to the subfamily Aphidiinae". Beitr. Ent. 12: 662-720.
Weiser J. (1962) Über die Benützung der Nematoden zur biologischen Schädlingsbekämpfung. XI. Int. Entomologenkongress, Wien, II, 800-2.
Weiser J. (1962) Erforschung der Krankheiten der Insekten in der Tschechoslovakei und Möglichkeiten weiterer internationaler Zussammenarbeit. Zeszyty problemowe postepow nauk rolniczych 35: 79-83.
Weiser J. (1962) Protozoäre Krankheiten des Schwammspinners. Agronomski glasnik, 538-539.
Weiser J. (1962) Eradikace malarie na Východním Slovensku. Niektore přír. ohniskové nákazy na V. Slovensku, Prešov, 119-130.
Weiser J. (1962) Biological Insect Control. Advances in Biological sciences, Praha, 123-133.
Weiser J. (1962) Potentialities of Protozoa in Biological Control of Vectors. WHO Sci. Group on Utilis. Biotic Factors in Vector Control, Geneva.
Weiser J., Hrdý I. (1962) Pyemotes-mites as parasites of termites. Z. angew. Ent. 51: 94-97.
Weiser J., Vaňková J. (1962) Zur Spezifität des Bac. thuringiensis-Toxins. XI. Int. Entomologenkongress, Wien, II : 840-841.
Zelený J. (1962) A contribution to the knowledge of the order Neuroptera in Czechoslovakia. Čas. Čs. Spol. ent. (Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov.) 59: 59-67.
Zelený J. (1962) Stenomicromus lanosus n. sp., a new species of Neuroptera from Czechoslovakia (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae). Čas. Čs. Spol. ent. (Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov.) 59: 246-249.
Hodek I. (1961) The influence of various aphid species as food for two lady-birds Coccinella 7-punctata L. and Adalia bipunctata L. In: The Ontogeny of Insects, (Proc. Symp. Praha 1959), Academia, Prague, pp. 314-316.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1961) Experimental influencing of the imaginal diapause of Coccinella 7-punctata L. Věstník Čs. Spol. Zool. 24: 70-90.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1961) Changes of the physiological state of hibernating imagoes of the lady-bird Semiadalia 11-notata Schneid. In: The Ontogeny of Insects, (Proc. Symp. Praha 1959), Academia, Prague, pp. 249-252.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1961) Prevention and artificial induction of imaginal diapause in Coccinella septempunctata L. (Col., Coccinellidae). Ent. exp. appl. 4: 179-190.
Holman J. (1961) A new aphid species of the genus Microsiphum Chol. (Homoptera, Aphididae). Čas.Čs.Spol.ent. (Acta Soc.ent.Čechoslov.) 58: 89-96.
Holman J. (1961) Descriptions of two new aphid species, Sitobion equiseti sp. n. and Linosiphon asperulophagus sp. n., from Czechoslovakia. Čas.Čs.Spol.ent. (Acta Soc.ent.Čechoslov.) 58: 324-332.
Holman J. (1961) Contribution to the study of the aphid fauna of the family Aphididae of southern Crimea. Acta faun.ent.Mus.Nat.Pragae 7: 109-128 (in Russian, summary in English).
Hrdý I. (1961) Zur Frage der natürlichen Dauerhaftigkeit einiger Hölzer aus China gegen Termiten. Beitr. Ent., 11: 557-565.
Hrdý I. (1961) A quick Laboratory Method of determining the Termite Resistance of Materials. Beitr. Ent., 11: 540-556.
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