Total found: 7725 records |
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Weiser J. (1962) Eradikace malarie na Východním Slovensku. Niektore přír. ohniskové nákazy na V. Slovensku, Prešov, 119-130. |
Weiser J. (1962) Biological Insect Control. Advances in Biological sciences, Praha, 123-133. |
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Weiser J., Hrdý I. (1962) Pyemotes-mites as parasites of termites. Z. angew. Ent.
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Weiser J., Vaňková J. (1962) Zur Spezifität des Bac. thuringiensis-Toxins. XI. Int. Entomologenkongress, Wien, II : 840-841. |
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Zelený J. (1962) Stenomicromus lanosus n. sp., a new species of Neuroptera from Czechoslovakia (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae). Čas. Čs. Spol. ent. (Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov.)
59: 246-249.
Hodek I. (1961) The influence of various aphid species as food for two lady-birds Coccinella 7-punctata L. and Adalia bipunctata L. In: The Ontogeny of Insects, (Proc. Symp. Praha 1959), Academia, Prague, pp. 314-316. |
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1961) Experimental influencing of the imaginal diapause of Coccinella 7-punctata L. Věstník Čs. Spol. Zool.
24: 70-90.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1961) Changes of the physiological state of hibernating imagoes of the lady-bird Semiadalia 11-notata Schneid. In: The Ontogeny of Insects, (Proc. Symp. Praha 1959), Academia, Prague, pp. 249-252. |
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1961) Prevention and artificial induction of imaginal diapause in Coccinella septempunctata L. (Col., Coccinellidae). Ent. exp. appl.
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Holman J. (1961) A new aphid species of the genus Microsiphum Chol. (Homoptera, Aphididae). Čas.Čs.Spol.ent. (Acta Soc.ent.Čechoslov.)
58: 89-96.
Holman J. (1961) Descriptions of two new aphid species, Sitobion equiseti sp. n. and Linosiphon asperulophagus sp. n., from Czechoslovakia. Čas.Čs.Spol.ent. (Acta Soc.ent.Čechoslov.)
58: 324-332.
Holman J. (1961) Contribution to the study of the aphid fauna of the family Aphididae of southern Crimea. Acta faun.ent.Mus.Nat.Pragae
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Hrdý I. (1961) Zur Frage der natürlichen Dauerhaftigkeit einiger Hölzer aus China gegen Termiten. Beitr. Ent.,
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11: 540-556.